Literatuur mbt IHT
Om meer te weten te komen over IHT zijn deze boeken aan te bevelen:
1.Handboek IHT
redactie: Elnathan Prinsen, Bas van Wel, Niels Mulder, Nellieke de Koning.
Het Handboek kan besteld worden bij Uitgeverij de Tijdstroom.
2. Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment in Mental Health
Sonia Johnson, Justin Needle, Jonathan P. Bindman, Graham Thornicroft, Cambridge University Press 2008
1. Proefschrift Ansam Barakat: In pursuit of the added value of Intensive Home Treatment
Promotoren Jack Dekker (Arkin) en Aartjan Beekman (GGZ inGeest) zie tabblad ‘Platform IHT’
2. Reviews
A scoping review of studies into crisis resolution teams in community mental health services.
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Holgersen KH, Pedersen SA, Brattland H. Hynnekleiv T. (2022)
Implementation of the Crisis Resolution Team model in adult mental health settings: a systematic review
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Wheeler C. Lloyd-Evans B. Churchard A. et. al. (2015)
Crisis resolution and home treatment: structure, process, and outcome – a literature review
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Sjolie H, Karlsson B, Kim HS. (2020)
Crisis intervention for people with severe mental illnesses
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Joy CB, Adams CE, Rice K, (2007)
3. RCTs
The effectiveness of intensive home treatment as a substitute for hospital admission in acute psychiatric crisis resolution in the Netherlands: a two-centre Zelen double-consent randomized controlled trial.
Lees hier
Cornelis J, Barakat A, Blankers M, Peen J, Lommerse N, Eikelenboom M, et al. (2022)
Home treatment for acute mental healthcare: randomized controlled trial
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Stulz N, Wyder L, Maeck L, Hilpert M, Lerzer H, Zander E, et al. (2020)
Randomised controlled trial of acute mental health care by a crisis resolution team: the north Islington crisis study
North Islington crisis study randomised controlled trial
Sonia Johnson, Fiona Nolan, Stephen Pilling, Andrew Sandor, John Hoult, Nigel McKenzie, Ian R White, Marie Thompson and Paul Bebbington
BMJ 2005
4. Interventiestudies
The clinical impact of a crisis resolution home treatment team
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Crowley S, McDonagh S, Carolina D, O’Connor K, (2023)
Patient satisfaction and outcomes of crisis resolution home treatment for the management of acute psychiatric crises: a study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Madrid
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Moreno-Alonso I, Nieves-Carnicer M, Noguero-Alegre A., Alvarez-Mon MA, Rodriguez-Quiroga A, Dorado JF, et al. (2023)
Utilization and effectiveness of home treatment for people with acute severe mental illness: a propensity-score matching analysis of 19 months of observation
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Motteli S, Schori D, Schmidt H, Seifritz E, Jager M. (2018)
Controlled comparison of two crisis resolution and home treatment teams (a correction has been published for this article)
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P. Tyrer, F. Gordon, S. Nourmand, M. Lawrence, C. Curran, D. Southgate, B. Oruganti, M. Tyler, S. Tottle, B. North, E. Kulinskaya, I.T. Kaleekal and I. Morgan
The Psychiatrist 2010 34: 50-54
Effects of a crisis resolution and home treatment team on in-patient admissions
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Krishma Jethwa, Nuwan Galappathie and Paul Hewson
Psychiatric Bulletin (2007), 31, 170-172
Changes to mental healthcare for working age adults: impact of a crisis team and an assertive outreach team
Changes to MHC for working adults
Patrick Keown, Mary Jane Tacchi, Stephen Niemiec and John Hughes
Psychiatric Bulletin (2007) 31, 288-292
Outcomes of crises before and after introduction of a crisis resolution team: the South Islington Study
South-Islington-Non-Randomized-Trial (artikel moet nog toegevoegd worden)
Saskia Johnsons, Fiona Nolan, John Hoult, Ian R. White, Paul Bebbington, Andrew Sandor, Nigel McKenzie, Sejal N. Patel and Stephen Pilling
British Journal of Psychiatry (2005), 187, 68-75
5. Observationele studies
A Change of Paradigm in the Management of Acute Psychiatric Episodes? A Retrospective Cohort Study on Trajectories of Use of Clinical Resources After the implementation of Intensive Home-Treatment
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Martin-Blanco A, Gonzalez-Fernandez A, Farre A, Sauge-Vilavella M, Vieira S, Gimenez D. et al. (2024)
Referral for Intensive Home Treatment or Psychiatric Inpatient Care? A Retrospective Observational Comparison of Patient and Process Characteristics
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Van Asperen GCR, Wiersma AI, de Winter RFP, Mulder CL (2022)
Intensive home treatment for adolescents in psychiatric crisis
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Muskens JB, Herpers PCM, Hilderink C. et al. (2019)
Intensive home treatment: a first observational evaluation
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Gotink RA, Bergsma G, Hoogwegt MT, Mulder CL, van Gool AR (2017)
Referral to inpatient treatment does not necessarily imply a need for inpatient treatment
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Stulz N, Nevely A, Hilpert M, Bielinski D, Spisla C, Maeck L, et al. (2015)
Home treatment teams and facilitated discharge from psychiatric hospital
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Tulloch AD, Khondoker MR, Thornicroft G, David AS (2015)
6. Kwalitatief onderzoek
Care giving and receiving for people with complex emotional needs within a crisis resolution/home treatment setting: a qualitative evidence synthesis
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Haslam M, Lamph G, Jones E, Wright K (2024)
Emergency care in case of acute psychotic and/or manic symptoms: Lived experiences of patients and their families with the first interventions of a mobile crisis team. A phenomenological study.
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Daggenvoorde TH, Gijsman HJ, Goossens PJJ (2018)
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment: The Service User and Carer Experience
Crisis resolution NAO The Service User
NAO team: Dr Frazer Clark, Shireen Khattak and Jay Nahal
Additional research: Dr Karen Linde (University of Leeds), National Audit Office, November 2008
Experiencing a Recovery-Oriented Acute Mental Health Service: Home Based Treatment from the Perspectives of Service Users, their Families and Mental Health Professionals
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Sonja Goldsack, Michelle (Shelly) Reet, Hilary Lapsley and Mark Gingell
Mental Health Commission Wellington New Zealand, 2005
7. Specifieke doelgroepen binnen IHT
Prescriptive factors for intensive home treatment in acute psychiatry: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
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Barakat A, Blankers M, Cornelis JE, Lommerse NM, Beekman AT, Dekker JJ (2024)
Is home treatment for everyone? Characteristics of patients receiving intensive mental health care at home
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Stulz N, Wyder L, Grosse Holtforth M, Hepp U (2022)
Home treatment for acute mental healthcare: who benefits most?
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Motelli S, Jager M, Hepp U, Wyder L, Vetter S, Seifritz E, et al (2020)
Experiences of intensive home treatment for a mental health crisis during the perinatal period: A UK qualitative study
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Rbio L, Taylor BL, Morant N, Johnson B (2020)
The outcomes of home treatment for schizophrenia
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Huang HCH, Taylor M, Carmichael A (2018)
Involving relatives in emergency psychiatry: an observational patient-control study in a crisis resolution and home treatment team
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Van Oenen FJ, Schipper S, Van R, Visch I, Peen J, Cornelis J et al. (2018)
Crisis resolution and home treatment teams for older people with mental illness
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Claire Dibben, Humera Saeed, Konstantinos Stagias, Golam Mohammed Khandaker and Judy Sasha Rubinsztein
Psychiatric Bulletin (2008), 32, 268-270
Service innovations: Home treatment for first-episode psychosis
R. Tomar, N. Brimblecombe and G. O’Sullivan
Psychiatric Bulletin (2003), 27, 148-151
8. Kosteneffectiviteit van IHT
Economic evaluation of intensive home treatment in comparison to care as usual alongside a randomized controlled trial
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Barakat A, Cornelis JE, Dekker JJM, et al. 2022
Impact of a crisis resolution team on service costs in the UK
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Paul McCrone, Sonia Johnson, Fiona Nolan, Andrew Sandor, John Hoult, Stephen Pilling, Ian R. White, Paul Bebbington and Nigel McKenzie
Psychiatric Bulletin (2009), 33, 17-19
Model to assess the Economic Impact of integrating CRHT and Inpatient Services: Centre for the Economics of Mental Health, Health Services and Population
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Research Department, King’s College London
December 2007, Project Team: Paul McCrone, Martin Knapp and Jess Hudson
9. IHT wereldwijd
The clinical impact of a crisis resolution home treatment team
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Crowley S, McDonagh S, Carolan D, O’Connor K (2023)
Effectiveness of crisis resolution home treatment for the management of acute psychiatric crisis in Southern Switzerland: a natural experiment based on geography
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Soldini E, Alippi M, Zufferey MC, Lisi A, Lucchini M, Albanese E, et al. (2022)
Home-based crisis team in North Cork service description and patient-related outcomes
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Lalevic G, Suhail A, Doyle H (2019)
Psychiatric admissions from crisis resolution teams in Norway: a prospective multicenter study
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Hasselberg N, Grawe RW, Johnson S, Saltyte-Benth J, Ruud T (2013)
IHT in Victoria, Australia
State of Victoria, Department of Human Services, 2007